In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we’ve gathered our favorite supporting brands to offer you a fun, and informative live Twitter chat with excellent panelists and awesome giveaways.
What: Twitter party to encourage you to celebrate Valentine’s in an organic fashion. If you’ve never been to a Twitter party, it’s a live discussion with great prizes, panelists, organic information and YOU.
When: February 6, 2018, at 5 pm PST.
Hashtag: #OrganicValentines
Who: Hosted by Only Organic on Twitter. @OnlyOrganic
Panelists and Giveaways:
Annie’s Homegrown @annieshomegrown
Pete and Gerry’s @PeteandGerrys
Stonyfield @stonyfield
Uncle Matt’s @unclematts
Earth’s Best @earthsbest
Lundberg Farms @lundbergfarms
Seasnax @seasnax
Good Culture @goodculturefood
Megafood @megafood
Happy Family @happyfamily
Nature’s Path @naturespath
Giveaways TBA
Giveaways include gift baskets from amazing organic brands!
Random giveaways for the evening will be given to those that attend the party and tweet with us under the #organicholidays hashtag.
Share our party with your Twitter followers!
#OrganicValentines Twitter party on 2/6 from 5-6pm PST. Get info, prizes, & hear from great panelists!
Celebrate the #OrganicValentines with @onlyorganic on 2/6 from 5-6 pm PST. RT!
#OrganicValentines Twitter party 2/6 5 pm PST. Get the party details: RT!
Twitter party #OrganicValentines 2/6 5 pm PST RT!
Save the date 2/6 5-6 pm PST#OrganicValentines. Tips, recipes, and hacks on how to go organic. RT!
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