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By | August 3rd, 2018 | Organic News |

Campbell’s, Coca-Cola and Unilever are among the food companies supporting full disclosure of genetically modified organisms in food, an EWG analysis shows. A new sustainable non-GMO organic farm is making the news this week for being one of the largest farms moving into Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Strawberries are one of the most-sprayed crops so choosing organic is a must. Strawberries also have a reputation of being difficult to grow, especially organically, but that’s only true if you don’t know the tricks. Natural and organic lawn and garden consumables are growing in popularity, but are expected to remain a niche with less than 10 percent of overall sales through 2022. Also in the news, Hmong farmers Blia and Phua Thao put their 40-plus years of experience to work in Spring Valley, Wisconsin, where they grow organic produce entirely by hand. Bees living in suburban habitats are still being exposed to significant levels of pesticides, despite the EU ban on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides on flowering crops, according to new research from University of Sussex scientists. And lastly, it’s the season to save seeds. As your garden starts producing fruit, keep this information in mind if you want to start saving seeds. Legumes are by far the easiest seeds to save, and among the easiest to germinate.

Organic Farm Coming to Monroe County

It’s going to be one of the very few sustainable non-GMO organic farms in the country, and one of the biggest, if not the biggest, in North America to start. 

Growing and Caring for Organic Strawberries

Strawberries have a reputation of being difficult to grow, especially organically, though that’s only true if you don’t know the tricks. Their beauty is that they are perennial: plant them once, and they produce year after year—for at least a few years, anyways. Your original “mother” plants will produce many “daughters,” so once you have a bed established, you never need to buy more.

Leading Food Companies Support Mandatory GMO Disclosure

Campbell’s, Coca-Cola and Unilever are among the food companies supporting full disclosure of genetically modified organisms in food, an EWG analysis shows. 

Immigrant Farmers Help Grow Organic Ag in Wisconsin and Beyond

Hmong farmers Blia and Phua Thao put their 40-plus years of experience to work in Spring Valley, where they grow organic produce entirely by hand.

Pesticide ban is failing to protect suburban bee populations

Bees living in suburban habitats are still being exposed to significant levels of pesticides despite the EU ban on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides on flowering crops, new research from University of Sussex scientists shows. 

Seed Saving 101: 10 Things to Know If You Want to Start Saving Seeds

As your garden starts producing fruit, keep this information in mind if you want to start saving seeds. Legumes are by far the easiest seeds to save, and among the easiest to germinate.

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